Lizard Love

| April 23, 2018

For a second week on reptiles and amphibians, we continued our study of the cold blooded creatures that share our planet.

We made chameleons out of tissue paper.

We painted turtle shells.

We also read tons of great books about reptiles and amphibians and had some interesting discussions where we discussed fun facts about these fascinating creatures. Plus the weather was gorgeous, so we did some fun things outside.

We cut a big sheet of paper and made a big mural.

We enjoyed a very successful Show and Tell.

We also continued our ongoing tile project.

We played with works.

We did tons of new puzzles.

We had a treasure box ceremony since EVERYONE completed all 10 challenges.

We also made time to be SILLY!

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2, Uncategorized

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