Looking Towards the Future

| August 29, 2018

Last week CH-2 had a great time with our theme, To the Future. As it was mystery week and we got to choose our own themes, we choose To the Future as we had many of our graduates head off to kindergarten and their bright futures.

Some of the activities the class enjoyed included creating unique designs through their science experiments, bubble paint. In addition the class played community helper bingo and created hot air balloons that depicted what they wanted to be when they grew up. Everyone also had their picture taken to create a collage of the class titled “When I Grow Up” as a memento to all our graduates.

Finally the class had a extra special Fun Friday as we said goodbye to four of our graduates. The children had a blast with face paint, yummy treats, and loved their friends cool toys for Show and Share. Although everyone had a good time on Friday, we were very sad to see Izzy, Rowan, Ben, and Averie leave as they began their next big adventure in kindergarten. However we know that they will be amazing in their new schools and will continue to grow in leaps and bounds!

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Category: Preschool Room 2

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