Lost in Outer Space

| April 13, 2016

We headed into our second week of exploring the solar system. One of the most widely enjoyed activity had to be the “moon crater creator.” We got the idea out of one of our library books. It was quite simple really. We learned the moon’s surface is soft dust much like flour so that’s what we used. We gathered different sized pebbles and rocks to simulate meteors and dropped them from varying distances into our pan of “moon surface” to see what happened. Like real scientists we gathered the data and analyzed the results.

The further they fell, the deeper the crater. Some smaller meteors disappeared completely!

The further they fell, the deeper the crater. Some smaller meteors disappeared completely!

Hands down the best activity was a surprise Friday visit from Ms. Maddy’s husband John. He brought a huge paper mache planet which we painted and named. We gathered as a group and decided what our inhabitants would look like, as well as what our atmosphere and terrain were like. IMG_2446

We based the name on all our initials... "Amnektajslag"

We based the name on all our initials… “Amnektajslag”

Ms. Maddy’s favorite project of the week was the “stained glass” Sun we created for our window. A multi-step process, but worth the effort!

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This picture doesn't do it justice!

This picture doesn’t do it justice!

Another multi-step process was for the rockets that are now shooting through space in our classroom. We shared pictures of that last week so this week we just want to show you the end result.

We used a clever trick to keep the tissue paper flames from drooping!

We used a clever trick to keep the tissue paper flames from drooping!

And now for a few pictures from our week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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