Lost In Space!

| December 2, 2016

Though it’s taking a side seat to any Holiday related activities, for the next couple of weeks we’ll be talking about the solar system. A favorite theme for this age group, we’ve started our study with many fantastic library books and both group and individual rocket ship projects.

When making a giant paper mache rocketship, it helps if your husband has just purchased a hedge trimmer with a weirdly shaped box.

When making a giant paper mache rocketship, it helps if your husband has just purchased a hedge trimmer with a weirdly shaped box.

Next step... prepare the flour, salt, water, and shredded newspaper.

Next step… prepare the flour, salt, water, and shredded newspaper.

Applying paper mache can be a messy business so when weather permits, it's best to do it outside.

Applying paper mache can be a messy business so when weather permits, it’s best to do it outside.


Painting smaller rocket ships is messy, too. Glad we have smocks!

Painting smaller rocket ships is messy, too. Glad we have smocks!


Finally a few fun shots from the week.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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