Lost in Space

| March 5, 2018

We had a great week talking sun, stars, and all things space. We learned tons of facts about our solar system and how it works. We started in the center with the sun…

First we cut the yellow scraps.

And we kept cutting…

Then we started gluing the pieces in a sun shape.

We worked a long time.

Slowly it took shape.

You can see the sun picture we made in the hallway surrounded by facts about the sun that we learned.

We also made moons out of flour and glue.

We examined all the different types of rocks you see on the earth.

We also did a lot of the fun creative things we always like to do like paint…

We made a banner to cheer on our beloved Tar Heels.

We worked on massive puzzles!

Who says 300 piece puzzles are only for bigger kids!!!???

We love working on our fine motor skills.

Finally a few cute pictures from the week of us doing what we do best… Being silly!!!


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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