“Luck of the Irish”

| March 17, 2017

We took advantage of a “holiday” week to leave themes behind and get back to basics. This week we worked with the alphabet. Mastering letter recognition, phonetic pronunciations, and reading comprehension through activities, group games, and, of course, our academic challenges. All this foundation work left us time for only one major art project… the Shamrock Collages you can see hanging next to both the bathroom door and our side door.

First we traced and decorated…

… and then we cut them out.

We also had a lot of fun with Music Class, Show and Tell, and played lots of group games.

But the highlight of the week BY FAR was our surprise visit from Peanut Eminem! (Special thanks to my wonderful husband John who took time out of his busy day to make this happen.)

Last, but not least, a few fun shots from our week.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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