Magical Experiments

| July 29, 2016

This week our Summer Theme was Magic Tricks! We did not know many magic tricks so we incorporated a little bit of Science Experiments. We began our week discussing what Magic is and some common Magic Tricks. We talked in great detail about pulling a rabbit out of a hat. We even made a craft which we had a rabbit pop out of the hat using a popsicle stick. However, we had to say the magic words, “Abra Cadabra”. Our toddlers thought it was the greatest thing ever! We then did some magical (science) experiments. We first made blue crystals justing using plain ordinary rocks. We then made our very own volcano erupt using baking soda and vinegar. We added red food coloring in order to make it look like real lava! We also made a burping stomach (ziploc bag). Lastly, we made magical wands and drink magic water. It was such a fun and magical week.IMG_2721 IMG_5205 IMG_7001 IMG_7865 IMG_8948

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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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