Making it Work!

| July 9, 2018

How things work week is always a lot of fun. We even had a guest teacher, Mr. Green Jeans (otherwise known as John Loy, my wonderful spouse) who came to show off his beloved studio work truck complete with a thousand tools and electricity. The kids especially enjoyed getting lifted with the jack and riding it back down.

After the truck tour, John read them a couple of books about electricity and how it’s made and how it gets into your home.

We also read a ton of books about how grass becomes milk, how goats make cheese, how maple trees make syrup, how cotton becomes clothes, you get the idea. Then we talked about how books are made and made books of our own.

We learned about rainbows and how they’re made and why shadows happen when there’s light. We painted with rainbow watercolors and some of us made shadow puppet names.

We made stars to decorate the classroom and talked about how all things ultimately were created by the warmth we get from our very own star called the sun.

Livia brought in some could building materials called “crazy forts” and we built cool structures.

The children also enjoyed yoga class with Ms. Maria.

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