March Madness: a lesson in social skills

| March 31, 2017

I came across a fantastic stack of social problem solving books and have decided that in addition to supporting our beloved Tar Heels, we would talk about stuck vs. flexible thinking, matching the size of the reaction to the size of the problem, and the “hidden rules” that guide our daily interactions.

But back to the Tar Heels…


First we painted our feet to make Tar Heel prints.


They marched across our bodies and then we put them on the wall.


We were so excited to put our street sign back up!

We also captured and rehomed 3 spiders this week. Gotta love Spring!

Of course we screamed!

We worked on our group book, plus individual books this week.

Creating a book is a lot of work!

We worked on multiple 500 piece puzzles. Luckily one was almost all the way put together.

This is of the city where Ms. Maddy’s parents grew up. Spiez, Switzerland.


We did the best we could!


We painted our faces.


We love our new light box. It’s inspired lots of new writing practice.

Finally a few fun pictures from the week.



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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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