Math Mania Begins

| September 9, 2016

After enjoying a fantastic Labor Day break, we started our short week back with song…

Ms. Marcia is the BEST!

Ms. Marcia is the BEST!

From there it was straight into our exploration of math. Not just counting and number recognition, but also the four operations and volume and time measurement. There’s so many ways the math comes into play, we’ve decided a second week is in order.

We made crayon rubbing of all our favorite digits.

We made crayon rubbing of all our favorite digits.

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Our group project was a number mural on the playground fence.

Our group project was a number mural on the playground fence.


We used our fingers to show our understanding of quantities.

We used our fingers to show our understanding of quantities.


Our study of volume was one of our favorite lessons all week.

Our study of volume was one of our favorite lessons all week.

Of course we still worked our challenges, too.

Of course we still worked our challenges, too.

September is a special month because so many of our friends are celebrating birthdays this month. First in line is our good friend Eli. Happy Fourth Birthday!!!

Eli walked around the sun enough time to turn 20!

Eli walked around the sun enough time to turn 20!

Last but not least, just a few fun pics from the week. Sorry I don’t have too many this time.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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