Mathimatics in Children’s House 2-1

| October 7, 2016

writting-numbersWhat an interesting week we have had in Children’s House 2-1! We learned counting in sequence from 1 to 20, and we learned to identify numbers from 1 to 10. We worked with simple addition and practiced writing the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on our mini boards.

One of our art crafts involved a collage with cut william-writtingout number 3s made from cardboard. We applied numbers to counting the number of days in a week as well as how many months are in a year. collage-number-3We are discovering how much fun working with numbers can be!

Our week has been filled with watercolor painting, coloring, story telling and work cycle.adil-cutting-2

This week we welcomed Miss Ana Maria to our class as well as two new students; Natalie and William, both moved up from Children’s House abby-counting-pegs1-1.

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Category: Preschool Room 1

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