Mommies Rule, Dinos are Cool!

| May 11, 2016

Children’s House 2 doesn’t just have great kids, we also have fantastic parents! That’s why when holidays like Mother’s Day roll around, we try to show as much appreciation as possible. All week we worked on projects in honor of our moms. First we melted crayon shavings between 2 pieces of wax paper to make a cool “sun catcher” for Mom to hang in the window.

Then we wrote our cards and created marbled paper out of chalk shavings and water.



On May 5th we made paper flowers to celebrate Cinco de Mayo which turned out to be the perfect decoration…

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…for the jade plants we cut and planted for our Moms.

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We were very pleased with the final result and hope our Mommy’s felt loved and appreciated!


On Monday we dove full on into Dinosaurs…

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Here’s a few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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