Montessori Academy of Carrboro, New Construction

| June 16, 2015

We are so excited to share our construction adventures with all of our current and future families. Our new school will have six classrooms; two Toddler Rooms, two Transition Classrooms and two Preschool Classrooms. The original structure has been demoed down to just a shell. We have been working with an architect to come up with a plan to fill the space and provide all of the necessities for our students and staff. This week has been exhilarating watching as the new plumbing lines were put in and preparations for a sky light. We discussed the requirements for the playground fencing and placement of the electrical outlets in the classrooms. Please stay tuned for weekly updates and pictures!

Montessori Academy of Carrboro School under construction.

Montessori Academy of Carrboro School under construction.

Mr. Alan speaking with our contractor, Mr. Chris.

Mr. Alan speaking with our contractor, Mr. Chris.

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