Montessori Olympics

| August 19, 2016

This week was geared more towards learning about the Olympics than a bootcamp. The children loved talking about the sporting events they watched at home. We made a list of the sports we remembered. They were gymnastics, swimming, basketball and running.thumbnail_IMG_5161 We talked about how the athletes stay healthy and what foods were heathy or unhealthy. I showed them pictures of various food and they had to group them in healthy or unhealthy. They had a lot of fun and really wanted chicken nuggets and french fries to be their healthy option. We also had our very own Montessori Olympics. The children made gold medals on Monday and Friday we participated in many olympic “games”. We had contests to see who could jump the highest, run the fastest, tumble the most and spin the longest. Everyone is a winner in my class, they were all rewarded their medals in a ceremony before lunch.

This is our last week of summer. I am asking parents to please bring a framed family photo to class before next Friday if possible. I would like to do a circle time activity with the pictures. Lets treat this like the first day of school! Please have the kids prepared with everything they will need, pull-ups, wipes, sheets, extra shoes and a water bottle with their names on it. I would love any and all extra craft supplies.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Miss Hayley

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