N the snow

| December 20, 2016

Last week we learned about the the letter n. The children were very excited to learn and talk about nocturnal animals. We enjoyed hooting like owls and flapping our “wings” like a bat. This week we are focusing on holidays. Monday and Tuesday are present making days. We also read a book about the gingerbread baby and a lady who swallowed all the ingredients to make a snowman. Wednesday is our class party! Everyone is super excited. We will be having music, drawing, dancing and lunch with special treats. Thursday we will learn about Chanukah. We have a wonderful book to read and we will play dreidel. We will end our week with fun Friday!

Remember Montessori Academy of Carrboro will be out until January 2, 2017.

I hope everyone has a wonderful break and Happy Holidays. As always thank you for your support and encouragement.


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Category: Transition Room 2

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