National Champions!!!

| April 7, 2017

We came in Monday full of excitement for the big game. Unfortunately this spilled over into music class and many of us ended up using terrible manners.

Don’t let the calm of this picture fool you. These kids got crazy…

Luckily there was redemption in the form of a challenge board. Show and Tell was on the line and my friends were determined to capture that elusive prize (for some)…. a dip in the Treasure Box.


Monday we also made a good luck banner for our beloved Tar Heels.

Full of hope and anticipation!










Tuesday morning we were exhausted, but happy so we splatter painted a Congratulations banner.

It doesn’t look as messy as it was.

We spent the rest of the week buckling down with our academic challenges and enjoying fun activities.

We love painting.

300 pieces! Meant for people 10 and up? Whatever!











We made animal rubbings with crayons.

Finally…. a few fun pictures from the week.


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2, Uncategorized

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