New Beginnings and Earth Day

| April 20, 2016

Changes have come to our happy Montessori classroom as we welcome new friends AND a new teacher…

Taylor, Eli, and Ms. Olivia all moved up from Children’s House 1 this week and we could not be more excited for the additions!

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Our upcoming theme will be “All About Ourselves: the Study of Humans” but first we wanted to take this week to pay homage to our Mother Earth. Step One: Create Planet Earth.

Paper Mache is messy, but fun.

Paper Mache is messy, but fun.

Fixing all the cracks took 3 days!

Fixing all the cracks took 3 days!

Finally we were ready to mix the perfect shade of blue.

Finally we were ready to mix the perfect shade of blue.

We love getting paint everywhere. Sorry if your kids came home speckled on Wednesday!

We love getting paint everywhere. Sorry if your kids came home speckled on Wednesday!

This is as far as we’ve gotten. Luckily we’ve got 2 more days until Earth Day to complete it. Stay tuned…

We also introduced a new challenge this week… Exercise! The thing about preschoolers is we’re an active bunch. Gross motor skill development is a big part of the early years. We love the jumping jacks, windmills, and round the world exercises that we learned and must do 20 a piece to get full credit for the exercise challenge.

The parachute is one great way to get physical.

The parachute is one great way to get physical.


We love any activity that involves protective eyewear and a hammer!

We love any activity that involves protective eyewear and a hammer!

But perhaps my favorite gross motor skill is cleaning the classroom and the playground!

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Last but not least we had an unexpected engineering challenge when our friend Amalie brought an old school metal slinky to share with the group. What to do with a stair climbing thing in a room without stairs??? Build some, of course!

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Here’s a few fun pics from the week…

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