New Challenges and Hard Workers!

| February 3, 2016

Now that the weather has done a 180, we’ve spent more time at school and more time working our gross motor skills on the playground. One of our favorite outdoor activities all week (besides getting chased by “Abiyoyo”) was creating a obstacle course and winding our way through it, complete with midway modifications and added levels of difficulty. I’ve included a picture, though it doesn’t do it justice.


We were zigging and zagging through the outdoor works, calling out the numbers (out of order) as we made our way across the stepping stones, bouncing across the tires, making a basket with a ball into the goal, and then walking on the balance beam.

We were just as busy inside working on our new challenges. Aimed at being brain exercise for those of us gearing up for kindergarten in the fall, we have a choice of a counting challenge, a puzzle challenge, a reading challenge, an alphabet challenge, and, of course, a writing challenge. Five of our students have completed all of them and one more is very close. I’m blown away by the dedication and eagerness that the children have displayed as they worked through each exercise.

Here’s a few pictures to show you what we’ve been up to…

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Not that we’re all work and no play! We worked our fine motor skills with some playdoh. We painted and created new art. We added to “l” and “m” to our classroom alphabet display. We also just played with toys and enjoyed each other’s company. We call that working on our social skills!

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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