New Construction Week 10

| August 16, 2015

Montessori Academy of Carrboro Front Entry


Looking out of the CH 1 Window


New Wall Cabinets in CH 2

We now have glazed windows. The rooms are flooded with sunlight reflecting off of the newly painted walls. Soft yellow and green are the colors that we have chosen for the walls.

The new wall cabinets have arrived and have also been installed. The wall cabinets will provide ample storage space along with the storage closets located in every classroom.

The ceiling grids have gone up and the LED lights have been installed. LED lights will provide a brighter and more natural type of light for the school than the more traditional florescent lighting.

We also have a shinny new kitchen sink waiting to be installed in the kitchen.  Its hard to believe that everything is coming together so quickly! Stay tuned for more updates as we approach our final stages of construction.



The Kitchen Sink

The Kitchen Sink

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