New Construction Week 13

| September 6, 2015

Work continues on the outdoor play environment. We are very excited about the Montessori outdoor environment that we are creating. Interactive activities which highlight censorial development as well as allowing gross motor use are being constructed. This week over six inches of mulch was laid down over the entire two playgrounds. Workmen are busy making the outdoor Montessori play environment. They have created a weaving wall, a sound wall, balance beam, half submerged tires and outdoor drainpipe drums. A picnic table is also being built for outdoor snacks and lunches. The landscaping is now complete and the parking lot has been marked with stripes.

On the inside of our school workmen laid down the sub flooring. After it cures for several days, they will come back and install the vinyl flooring. Every classroom has a separate thermostat, insuring everyone’s comfort. Stayed tuned for more updates! We are almost finished!




Building A Picnic Table


Building a Weaving Screen


Newly Mulched Toddler Playground


Parking Stripes


A Thermostat In Every Classroom


Sub Floor in Toddler Room


Sub Floor in Children’s House 2

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