New Construction Week 14

| September 13, 2015

Kitchen Sink


New Furniture In Boxes


New Cubbies and Furniture in Boxes


Children’s Chairs Waiting to be Unwrapped


Drinking Fountains


New Flooring

This week we saw the installation of our beautiful new flooring. All of the sinks and toilets are now in place. Each of the six classrooms has two sinks. One sink has been brought down to a child’s level, while the other sink is for teachers. All of the toilets in the classrooms are also at a lower level for the children’s comfort. The kitchen sink has been installed and the back hallway has a conveniently placed double drinking fountain.

All of the furniture has arrived, still in boxes, awaiting assembly. We can see the bright colors of some of the children’s cubbies and chairs.

Outside in the playground, the work continues with the assembly of the sand box and sound wall. Stay tuned for more updates and a projected opening date.

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