New Construction Week 9

| August 9, 2015
Carrboro Spray Foam Insulation

Spray Foam Insulation


Carrboro Back Hal and Bathrooms

Back Hallway Looking into CH 2 and Public Bathrooms

Carrboro Toddler Room Chair Rail

Chair Rail For Hooks



Carrboro Toddler Room and Door

Toddler Room

Things are really coming along at our new Carrboro Montessori Academy. Dry wall is now completed and the chair rails have been installed. The chair rails form a base on which all the children’s individual hooks will be attached. The windows have beautiful bases which will act as a extra shelving. The biggest thing that went on this week, and something that will not be seen after final construction finishes, is the spray foam insulation between the ceiling and roof. This insulation is sprayed into the areas under the roof and solidifies within minutes. It will make the building extremely energy efficient, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.  Stay tuned for more updates!


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