New School! Same Squad!

| November 10, 2015

The first IMG_9504month in our new facility has been amazing! Montessori Academy of Carrboro has been such a good change, not only for all of our teachers but our students as well. As we get adjusted to our new classroom and our smaller class size we have been learning all about the letters g, h and i! We have also been learning about Halloween and Thanksgiving! Check out our bulletin board to see what we are thankful for!

Like last year, we were asked by The Orange County Partnership for Young Children to participate in the Young Children’s Art Contest. This is a 30 minute to hour long art session where the kids are given a general theme and multiple mediums to create art. Then a panel of judges will pick art from all the schools asked to participate and then the winners will get invited to an art show that will showcase their art! And yes….there will be cake!

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Category: Transition Room 2

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