Numbers, Week 2

| September 16, 2016

We happily continued our exploration of numbers this week and also segued briefly into character building activities which is always important.

One of our favorite things in the whole world in the classroom is play doh so we decided to mold it into numbers, giving ourselves a refresher on number recognition, as well as a great way to hone our fine motor skills.

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Another activity we enjoyed was counting spider legs, dividing them by 2 and gluing them to the spider’s body. We talked about the math equations we were creating during the activity and, of course, always love working on our counting skills.

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We also kept up with our academic challenges, though sadly only one of us completed every one to get the dip in the treasure box. Congratulations, Livia!

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We celebrated 2 birthdays this week. Can you say sugar overload!?

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Overall it was a fun week. Here are a few cute pics to prove it. 🙂

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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