Old McDonald had a Farm…

| February 3, 2016

After the snowstorm, the playground was covered with snow but that did not stop our Toddlers from wanting to go outside! FullSizeRender 2

This week we discussed Farm Life. We centered our week around our Toddlers new favorite song, “Old McDonald Had a Farm…”. We allowed the toddlers to state animals they knew and we learned the different sounds that the animals make. Each day of the week, we did an art project on various animals that you would find around a farm. The children loved all of the different animals. We read a book that was based on life in the farm and different tools you would see on the farm. We had the pleasure of seeing a tractor pushing the snow off the roads across the street! The toddlers enjoyed our Farm Animal week a lot.

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Category: Toddler Room 1

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