Operation Room Bedazzling!

| January 13, 2016

There’s nothing more wonderful than taking good care of our special space by keeping it beautiful and well organized. After sending most of our classroom art home before the break, we found our walls were greatly in need of some artistic touches. Needless to say, we’ve been busy, busy, busy redecorating.

Many of our group art project require several steps so it’s a good thing we work well as a team. We decided our classroom door could use a new look. Since windows are always fun to bedazzle, making a “stained glass window” out of colored tissue paper became our first endeavor. Step one: cut the tissue into small shapes.

You'd be surprised at how much we can get done when we all focus on a task!

You’d be surprised at how much we can get done when we all focus on a task!

Once we have a good sized pile of tissue pieces in a nice variety of colors, Ms. Maddy explains to us the way to create a vibrant burst of color that will look bright and cheery visual greeting to all who visit our classroom. The main rule was about color placement and the importance of mixing it up. She stretched a large piece of clear contact paper sticky side up across the floor and taped it down. Then we carefully picked what shape and color would look good, making sure that we put different colors side by side as much as possible.

We made sure we mixed up the colors and smoothed them all flat.

We made sure we mixed up the colors and smoothed them all flat.

Then we folded it in half, cut it to size and placed it on our door. We were so proud of the final result, not to mention how pleased Ms. Maddy was that we were using our imaginations AND our fine motor skills.






Our next project was a mixed media collage (Ms. Maddy’s favorite kid created activity!) that we decided would go perfectly on our closet door. We rolled out a large piece of light blue paper, taped it down to the table, and gathered the necessary collage materials and glue.

We were busy for several days perfecting this collage!

We were busy for several days perfecting this collage!

We put the final touches on it using do a dot markers and sticking to the usual guideline of mixing up the colors and spreading out the dots only on areas that were still empty. The result was another great pop of color in the classroom!


On to project number three… Ms. Maddy’s favorite one by far. Here’s how it all came about. On Monday during circle time we discussed what a good theme of the week might be, ultimately setting on “Oceans, Lakes and Rivers.”  Since one of the most colorful things in the sea are tropical fish, we immediately set about creating a whole school full.

We colored 3 different sizes ... small, medium, and large!

We colored 3 different sizes … small, medium, and large!

After we had each colored multiple fish, Ms. Maddy used glitter and glue to make our fish even more special. First thing that morning she had mixed blue and green swirling paint to make the ocean backdrop. By the afternoon everything had dried enough for us to begin the second step of this project. Glue sticking the tropical fish into the water to create a gorgeous water scene poster to adorn our wall. You should hear all the compliments we’ve been getting from the other teachers!

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In case you’re worried that all we do is art all day, let us show you how hard we’re working on our writing challenges!

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Last but not least, I’d like to share some cute pictures from our week.

Making yummy jello with real strawberries and whipped cream!

Making yummy jello with real strawberries and whipped cream!


Water colors make for nice paintings!

Water colors make for nice paintings!














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Category: Preschool Room 2

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