
| March 17, 2016

photo-3 (2) photo-5 (2)maggie owl      In February, we completed our Owl Curriculum.  Between our classroom collection and additions from the library, we read about owls every day for two weeks.  We learned how their feathers are serrated to allow them to fly. We observed this when we compared barn owl  and barred owl feathers.  We talked about how owls are and are not related to other birds.  Mostly we worked on our owl costumes.  We made giant (at least for us) wings with individual feathers from recycled catalogs.  Our masks were made from different size circles from our circle works that we traced and cut out ourselves.  Miss Janice helped us all get costumed and we had a silent parade around the school. Why silent? because owls are silent flyers.  Returning to our room, we hooted and maybe even hollered a little and celebrated our accomplishment!

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