Pending Snowpocalypse!

| January 6, 2017

What a fantastic first week back! We took a minute to readjust to classroom life and spent the rest of the week enjoying our friends to the fullest. So much so that only Livia finished her challenges this week. Congratulations, Livia!

Our major project of the week was a mixed media collage that we created for the hallway. We finished it Friday and hung it in the hallway. We hope you have a chance to admire it soon.

Some of the collage materials had to be prepared before we could use them. Cutting aluminum foil is fun!

Slowly we added each material…

Another project we did were sticker masks!

We decimated Ms. Maddy’s sticker supply. Oops!

We also played Animal ABC Exercises on the playground.

No, he was not in any pain! Lol!

And, of course, we made time for academic challenges…

We made a new more difficult addition challenge for our friends who are turning 5!

Finally a few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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