Pets are the BEST!

| October 28, 2016

This week we talked about how awesome animals are when they become members of our families. We discussed all the different things that we have to do to be responsible for our pets and read many books about the subject.

For theme related art projects we made vet vests out of paper bags…

We didn't spend as much time making these as cool as Ms. Maddy would have wished us to.

We didn’t spend as much time making these as cool as Ms. Maddy would have wished us to.

We cut out pictures of animals that can be pets and glued them into a collage.

We cut out pictures of animals that can be pets and glued them into a collage.

We also did a lot of non theme related 3D art and projects that work the pincher grasp…

We worked with clay!

We worked with clay!

We worked with playdoh both inside...

We worked with playdoh both inside…

and outside...

and outside…

We enjoyed the outside art so much, we also colored with markers on the playground.

We enjoyed the outside art so much, we also colored with markers on the playground.

And then we grabbed some chalk and drew with that, too!

And then we grabbed some chalk and drew with that, too!

We created a neat sculpture out of sparkly pipe cleaners, beads, and styrofoam.

We created a neat sculpture out of sparkly pipe cleaners, beads, and styrofoam.

We also did our academic challenges.

We also did our academic challenges.

Ms. Maddy raided her studio’s costume department and brought in some wigs and hats.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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