Puppets and Parachutes

| November 11, 2015

What a fun week! Though we had to brave through some rainy days, we filled the time with hard work, creativity, and imagination. Oh, and occasionally we blew off some energy, or as Ms. Maddy likes to say, worked on our “gross motor skills.” Who doesn’t love parachute play?

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One of our favorite things about our Montessori classroom is making it beautiful. After reading the book “Tacky in Trouble,” we sponge painted a mural based on the story.









We painted and bedazzled egg cartons which then became window decorations. Ms. Maddy says they were a hassle to put up, but we looove the effect.

Check out our main door for the texture art we did. Only a few of us showed interest, luckily those of us who did were quite prolific.

Friday’s Show and Tell was awesome! We all contributed something cool and then decided to make a mini museum with our special things.








Last but not least, we were super excited about all the new dress ups and puppets in the classroom, because we love using our imaginations.

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