Puppies, Bunnies and Gratitude

| January 20, 2016
CH 2-1 White Board

Children’s House 2-1 Gratitude Board

It never ceases to amaze us how wonderful our children are. Gratitude is something that we can all stop to appreciate. The students in our Children’s House 2-1 classroom all contributed to their classroom’s “Thank Goodness It’s Friday Gratitude” board  with such words as ” my mommy and my daddy and playing with my sisiter”! We are very proud of our children, but these words make us even more proud.

Kaelin and Yabadaba

A Visit from Yabadabdoo!

Temperatures have been very cold outside and our outdoor time has been either suspended or brief. Therefore, we are very grateful to have had some company from some lovely furry creatures who thoroughly entertained us. Our school had visitors (the four legged variety) this week. Parents were kind enough to share their beloved pets with us. We were visited by the sweetest and most patient Cardigan Corgi named Yabadabadoo. He happily let the children pet, cuddle and hug him. We also had a visit from Marcel the Flop Eared Rabbit, who also let the children gather around him and stroke his exceedingly soft fur.  Our Toddler children got ready for the visit by wearing their own version of rabbit ears. We look back over the last couple of weeks and are filled with gratitude ourselves for our wonderful families, students and friends. Life is good!


Marcel the Flop Eared Rabbit with New Friends


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