Quacking Qs

| February 3, 2017

This week in Toddler Room 1, we talked about the letter Q! This was kind of difficult because there are not a lot of Q words that a toddler is familiar with. We learned about Queens, quilts, quacking ducks, and quails. We made ourselves beautiful King and Queen crowns that the toddlers absolutely enjoyed wearing around. We did our letter of the week classs activity and decided to color with all colors of the rainbow since ‘Q’ didn’t have its own color. We learned what a quince was and how it looked. We also talked about Groundhog Day and how 2 groundhogs gave us different results! The toddlers enjoyed doing our coloring pages of Punxsutawney Phil! Finally, we all made a quilt square using puffy paint to go on our classroom quilt!

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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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