Quilts and Queens

| January 17, 2016


IMG_1211We had an excellent week in Toddler Room 1! This week we worked on the letter Q. We did lots of fun arts and crafts. We made question marks and did some Q tip paintings masterpieces. This allowed the toddlers to show their creative side and choose their favorite colors. IMG_1205During nap time, our toddlers love to bring their blankets and quilts. The toddlers were able to make their very own paper quilts out of festive paper.


Lastly, we made a letter ‘Q’ Queen and allowed the toddlers to place their eyes, nose, mouth, and crown in the spots were they wanted it to go. IMG_1237

The toddlers enjoyed themselves this week in circle time. We worked on new songs and concentrated on our Spanish

IMG_1216 numbers. The toddlers had a very fun filled
Friday and met the Corgi Yabba. He was nice and friendly. All of the toddlers enjoyed his presence.
were also invited to oneof our toddlers birthday party from Toddler room 2.IMG_1257

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