Ready, Set, Let’s Go!

| March 3, 2017

We rode happily through the week talking about all things with wheels, wings, and motors. We made a huge list of all the modes of transportation we could imagine and did a couple of cool art projects, but best of all we got a bunch of new library books.

We love books about cars, planes, helicopters, trucks, and motorcycles.

We made a super cool car ramp complete with a target to knock down and a safety net to catch flying cars.

The boys thought this was the coolest activity ever!

Our messiest art project was a painted track mural we made on Monday.

This got sooo much messier as the day went on.

We also made a train out of egg cartons and paper towel rolls. The hardest part was cutting out the wheels.


We also celebrated the twins birthday…


…and got a cool gift in the mail from one of our favorite children’s book authors, Daniel San Souci.


We worked hard on our challenges, now that some of them are tied to Show and Share, one of our favorite things of the week.









Finally a couple of fun pictures…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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