readyyyy set…. learn!

| September 23, 2016

Welcome to the letter Cc. We baked cookies and ate them on top of coconut milk ice cream. We took turn mixing the ingredients together in the bowl. We celebrated Williams 3rd birthday and ate strawberries and graham crackers as his special treat! We leaned all about the ocean and what lives under the sea and how we can travel across the water! We painted puffer fish and painted crabs. We talked about words that start with the letter Cc.. cook, crab, can, cookies. coca-cola, camp, and coral.. the list went on and on. Next week we will continue on to letter Dd! What will we learn? just wait and see!



Miss.Tori & Miss. Olivia14424156_641453532693808_1505028630_o

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Category: Transition Room 1

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