Reptile Revolution

| October 14, 2016

We started our chapter on Animals this week with an introduction to Reptiles. We learned all about their scaly skin, scary fangs, and cold blooded ways. Besides studying our relevant library books and playing reptile related games, we worked on multiple craft projects.

First we painted a special thick paper, both front and back.

First we painted a special thick paper, both front and back.

Then we cut along a special spiral shaped line to create a coiled snake.

Then we cut along a special spiral shaped line to create a coiled snake.

You can find our cool snakes hanging from the ceiling. We also learned that snakes hatch from eggs, have cold blood, and feel vibrations that go to an inner ear, but have no visible ear outside their bodies.

The next major project also took multiple days. We call it that march of the turtles and you can see it in the hallway outside of our classroom. First we painted the shell, (not as easy as it looks because paint hates plastic!)

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In the meantime, a group of us painted big and small popsicle sticks to make the head, legs, and tail.


Once the shell dried, we blinged it up and then put it together and glued it all to the “path.”


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Overall we had a fantastic week. Here are a few fun pictures…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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