Science, Snakes, and Silly Vests

| November 18, 2015

What a great week! Ms. Maddy discovered a cache of cornstarch in her cabinets and decided we were going to do some science experiments. Only maybe she needs to read all the directions first next time… Experiment one was homemade moon sand. We started with the best of intentions, first gathering the necessary sand from the playground and dumping it in with the correct amount of cornstarch, but that’s where things went awry. Put it this way, the recipe makers weren’t kidding when they said add the water slowly. Needless to say that’s not how it went.

Stirring the soup!











It was obviously too wet and not like real moon sand so not willing to be defeated, we decided the best course of was to let it dry overnight. Fast forward to the next morning and what did we find? Cement. Luckily we’re resourceful. We took turns chipping away at the mess with the mini screw driver from our practical life works.










End result? Usable moon sand!

We were flying high on the success of experiment one when we decided to make “Gloop.” What’s gloop? Cornstarch and glue which combines to make a gel like substance that doesn’t stick to little fingers. That is when it’s mixed correctly. Unfortunately science experiment two turned into a fail. When will Ms. Maddy learn not to rely on her middle aged memory?










This is NOT Gloop!

Moving right along, we painted cool vests made out of paper bags, used color chalk to create designs on construction paper, and practiced cutting and coloring when we made really cool snakes to hang from the ceiling in our classroom.

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During the first weeks of class, we focus mostly on the fundamentals: fine motor skills, letter recognition, phonetics, numbers, etc. Later we will start working with themes that the children have come up with as subjects that they are interested in learning more about. To see the list, please ask Ms. Maddy.

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