Season of Creativity and Fun

| December 20, 2017

Last week the children were hard at work completing their challenges and creating fun crafts for the holiday. The older children worked on writing sight words and sentences while the younger children worked on both writing and recognizing their letters and numbers. Everyone is making great progress on theirĀ  challenges and are growing every day.

For art we created our own ornaments by putting paint in them and shaking it to spread the paint. Everyone enjoyed getting to mix different colors and seeing how they would turn out.

For science day the children were able to explore more color mixtures by using pipettes to drop colored vinegar in trays of baking soda and then watching the reaction. The class enjoyed seeing the vinegar and baking soda mix as well as the colors.

Finally the children continue to practice for the Christmas concert every day and are looking forward to showing off their singing skills!

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Category: Preschool Room 2

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