See you next year!

| December 23, 2015

This last week before winter break was filled with fun… My birthday was a blast! Just take a look…

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Not only were we visited by my wonderful, kid loving husband, John, (who said he felt like Mr. Greenjeans, though you have to be past a certain age to get the reference!) but we also got a visit by two very patient and tolerant cats, Molly and Elliott. Needless to say, all three were a big hit with the children. First I tried to take 46 “walks around the sun,” (getting horribly dizzy in the process) and then we ate cupcakes and danced like crazy. I tried to upload the Silly String video, but had trouble getting here on the blog so you can see it directly on our Facebook page. Meanwhile, the rest of the week was filled with Montessori works, art projects and plenty of practice with our handwriting skills. Again, here’s some photographic proof…

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Have a wonderful winter break and we’ll see you next year!!!



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