Show & Share!

| November 22, 2022

Each Friday we participate in Show & Share, show and share isn’t just about giving the kids a reason to bringing toys to school. Each child’s social, emotional and language skills will grow from this activity as the children learn to use descriptive language, practice listening skills and share their special items with others. Sharing prized possessions with peers makes for a fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved. The process of preparing a show and tell encourages children to consider the importance of a special item and appreciate its significance in different ways. Preparing a show and share about a holiday or an old family war medal for example, allows them to form an opinion and think about how it makes them feel.

This social interaction can boost a child’s self-esteem as well as helps foster public speaking skills. Show and share is a group activity, it helps teach children appropriate social skills. Which will set them up for success later in life. Show and share can open up doors to making new friends or create lasting bonds. Researching a topic, they are interested in, thinking creatively and expressing their ideas during their talk, allows children to develop a sense of pride which boosts self-esteem. Being at the center of the class’s attention and experiencing the class listening to them speak about something important to them, will help to build their confidence.

Being part of a show and share audience is also an important part of learning. Most importantly, the audience learns to sit still and listen closely to someone other than at teacher. As a result, they learn to consider their own ideas, think of questions about the topic and raise their hand to ask their question. This isn’t something all children feel comfortable doing but given enough opportunities, they’ll learn all questions are good questions.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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