Snow Days Fun!

| January 27, 2016

Obviously the bad weather over the weekend made us miss a bit of school over the last few days, but those that came in (once we got school back open again) had no trouble keeping themselves busy!

First I surprised everyone with a visit from my wonderful husband, John, who brought with him the friendliest, most tolerant dog in the county… Seven!

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She was thrilled to meet everyone and even got a tour of the whole building. (Minus the playground, we didn’t want her “making her mark”!) We were pleased with how sweet she was with our kids from the biggest right on down to the smallest. I’m relieved to know she can be trusted since she’s never had the honor of actually living in a house with small children. (And Elliott and Molly the kittens are happy to know that Seven can step in so they will NEVER have to come into Mommy’s classroom again!) It was a fantastic visit and John did a great job telling the children about how to be safe around strange dogs. After all not every dog is as easygoing as our sweet Seven.


Finally on Monday when school reopened we were able to welcome our new friend Samuel. He is an outgoing, friendly boy who is officially the second oldest in class. He has truly fit right in and we look forward to getting to know him better. Even though we’ve only had 3 days together so far, I have already come to enjoy his sense of humor, his curiosity, and his easy-going nature. What a wonderful addition to our group!

As always, I will end this blog with some fun shots of our activities this week.

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Painting is something we ALWAYS enjoy!

Painting is something we ALWAYS enjoy!


Sometimes we work...

Sometimes we work…

... sometimes we just dance!

… sometimes we just dance!






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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2, Uncategorized

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