Snow, Snow and More Snow!

| December 9, 2019

Last week CH-2 enjoyed winter-themed activities centered around the joy of playing in the snow.

On Tuesday the class created their own wintery paintings with snow paint. Everyone loved the sensory aspect of the paint after it dried.

We continued our wintery snow theme for our science experiment on Thursday. The children created “frozen” snow with shaving cream and baking soda. Everyone loved how the two ingridents combined and how cold it was!

Finally we had a extra special Friday with Lara’s walk around the sun for her 5th birthday.

I would like to conclude this blog with a special thank you to all the CH-2 parents(both present and past) who have been a big part of making my time at Montessori so wonderful. I will miss you all!

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Category: Preschool Room 2

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