Spiders are Not Insects!

| February 24, 2017

My personal favorite project of the week was the spider web and massive black widow we put in the window to replace the snowflakes, which have turned out to be ridiculously inappropriate despite the fact that it’s still February.

First we created our web out of yarn and sticky contact paper.

We used our insect books as guides…

…to create fabulous creepy crawlies…

…that we then cut out and placed into the web.

Finally we painted the big spider…

…and put him with his web…

…to watch over his web full of victims.

But we weren’t all about spiders, we still enjoyed learning about insects…

We also watched a caterpillar turn into a butterfly.

We made caterpillars out of egg cartons.

And we celebrated Ethan’s birthday!

Ethan turned four trips around the sun into about 26. I got dizzy just watching them.

Plus, we still got our challenges done.

And we played lots of games.

And did silly things.

Last, but not least, we enjoyed Show and Tell.

Show and Tell ROCKS!




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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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