Spring Gardens

| April 18, 2016

011 015 072 069On the Spring Equinox we began our Spring garden project.  We started by painting four green squares using sponges, screens, corks and brushes in variety of shades of green paint. Then we collaged flowers and bugs with abstract shapes cut from construction paper. Now we have a vibrant spring garden to enjoy in our classroom.

The praying mantis was our favorite bug in our Spring bug studies. One of our students made a mantis for the garden (picture to the right).

On the Friday after the Equinox, Miss Janice brought eggs for all the classes to enjoy an egg hunt on the playground.

We continued our studies of the world with South America and China.  Having already read about Pablo Neruda, we read a Chilean folk tale about an old lady and a merbaby.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 1

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