Starting the Alphabet

| September 9, 2016

We have fully started our school year curriculum in Children’s House 1-2. Last week we focused on the letter A. Learning the sound, how to write the letterĀ and words that begin with the letter. This week, of course, was all about the letter B. We had a lesson about bumble bees and how important they are to the thumbnail_img_5293environment. We talked about how they can sting us but they won’t unless they feel like they are in danger. The kids looked at pictures of different types of bees, learned that bees help to grow fruit and plants and that they make honey. We also had a fun time with the word beeswax. Another fun lesson we had was learning about brushes. We passed around a tooth brush, hair brush, paint brush and a makeup brush. We learned what “bristles” are and what they do and how on each brush they serve a different purpose.

We are all so happy to be back in the swing of things. It has taken a little time to adjust because of Labor Day and the roof construction but overall everyone is adjusting nicely. A reminder to parents that snack time starts at 830 AM. We like to have our circle time at 9 AM so we can have a full hour of work cycle. We are also still looking for craft supplies. If anyone has extra materials around the house, our class would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you for all your support and encouragement!


Category: Transition Room 2

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