Summer is here!

| June 8, 2016

The last few weeks in Montessori Childrens House 1-2 have been busy! We have learned about space, oceans, plants and we practiced writing our names. Under the sea week was extremely fun because we were able to make ocean bottles with glitter. It was a huge success with everyone in the class. This craft allowed the kids to measure and work on their hand-eye coordination by pouring water, oil and glitter into a small plastic bottle opening (using a funnel of course). Plant week had everyone blooming with happiness. We learned about the parts of the plant, how plants grow and what they need to survive. The kids loved using Q-tips and sponges to paint flowers as well as learning different seeds and planting them outside in the playground planters. We planted corn (which actually sprouted extremely well and grew fast, Miss Hayley had to move them), peas, Morning-glories and another type of flower. Go have a look outside when you have a chance!sienna and ocean bottle

This week is the first week of summer. We started off summer with the theme of “Color Me Happy”. We have been discussing emotions and colors. Our class is working on memorizing the colors of the rainbow, including indigo and violet. We also are working on recognizing emotions and the expressions we make with that emotion. Miss Kendalyn allowed us to borrow her Inside Out books discussing emotions, Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. Inside Out, although a Disney film, is a great way to talk about emotions with young children. This weeks craft will be a group project that will be put on the wall in the classroom.

Just a reminder that Wednesdays are going to be Splash Day. The kids will need to be in their bathing suits, sunscreen already applied and bring a change of clothes and a towel with their name on it. If your child does not wish to participate in splash they can come in their normal clothes and play on the other half of the playground. Also, don’t forget that Fridays during summer are dress up days! Have your children dress up in something related to the theme of the week.

Thank you for your support and encouragement

CH 1-2


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