Tar Heel State Love!

| July 22, 2016

Even I learned something this week as we explored all things North Carolina… including our flag, our symbols, and our traditions.

Our big group project of the week was creating an authentic looking North Carolina flag. We found a good image online and then rolled out a large sheet of paper and sectioned off the rectangular boxes that make up our flag. We painted everything the right color and glued on the banners, the letters and, the star. You can see the final product in the hallway.



Our individual project this week was a Cardinal, our State bird, which we decided to make out of waxed paper, melted crayons and colored construction paper.

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Plus, what week about NC would be complete without making some Tar Heel prints to add to our wall. Our new students wanted to add their footsteps so we mixed up the paint and tried not to smear them.


I’m always on the look out for teachable moments, even if the subject doesn’t fit with our weekly theme. Just such an opportunity arose when Samuel brought in a plum to eat for snack. After he had eaten his fill of the juicy fruit, he carefully cleaned the pit and brought it to me, asking if we could plant it and “see what happens.” We did some research and learned a trick to crack the nut, and plant it in a sand, volcanic stone mixture that we keep damp in the refrigerator for 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I neglected to snap a picture until the very end, but we followed those instructions to the letter… hammer, volcanic stone, and all.

If you see this in the fridge, please don't dump it!

If you see this in the fridge, please don’t dump it!

And finally, a few fun pictures from the week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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