Tarheel Triumph and Tragedy

| April 6, 2016

What a roller coaster of a week! While we always had space study hovering in the background, with most of our friends still on Spring Break, we decided to devote some time to showing our Tarheel Pride.

IMG_2347 IMG_2350First we used the scraps leftover from the Miss Maria’s owl project. It was a good card stock and challenging to cut into confetti sized pieces, but luckily we had some of our best cutters in attendance to get the job done.

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Next we pasted the confetti to the letters formed with Ms. Maddy’s stencils. Then to top it off we painted a poster to let everyone washing their car know how excited we were that our team was heading to the Final Four.


Alas, all our hopes were dashed when we lost the game, but on the bright side, it was time to get down with the solar system again. And even better, our friends were back.

Never have I seen these kids more motivated to do challenges! After a week of the challenge board sitting unused behind the globe, we jumped back in with both feet, filling it up so quickly that by Wednesday it already looked like a typical Friday.

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We also made rockets and started on our sun.

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Here’s a few fun pictures from the week…


We really loved this new math work.

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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