The Rise of the Mammals

| October 21, 2016

This week we turned our attention from reptiles to mammals, learning why mammals are higher up on the food chain and what advantages we have over those poor reptiles with their cold blood and reptilian brains.

Here’s a pictorial journey through our week.

Our coolest project this week was CD mouse art.

Our coolest project this week was CD mouse art.

We also made whales, though we haven't quite finished them.

We also made whales, though we haven’t quite finished them.

We played an outdoor mammal game with Ms. Brittany.

We played an outdoor mammal game with Ms. Brittany.

We made mammal crayon rubbings, too.

We made mammal crayon rubbings, too.

We love the new Jenga game!

We love the new Jenga game!

We also had a bunch of fun this week…

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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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