Time Machine Mania

| July 2, 2018

Luckily I’m an “older” teacher so I have a bunch of stuff in my house from another era which certainly comes in handy during time travelers week.

We typed with on this antiquated machine.

We chatted on an old timey phone.

We made peace signs from the 60’s and 70’s and also tie dye t-shirts.


We traveled back to ancient Greece and made headbands out of leaves. Then when Mr. Allen ran over them with his big SUV, we spray painted them golden and they turned out awesome!

We also repotted some pencil plant trimmings, making 2 brand new plants!

We celebrated Sylvie’s last day of school.

We had a great Splash Day!

We worked on our props for the play. We love doing paper mache, but it’s very messy.


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2

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